Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Dating 101- The Callback

One thing I've realized since I gave up casual sex to pursue dating in the hopes of eventually finding "my man" is just how rusty I am at dating. I shouldn't say rusty, actually, more like inexperienced. I've only ever gone on just a handful of dates, which is pretty sad if you ask me and all the more reason to do what I'm doing. Why should I perpetuate the myth that all gay men want to do is screw? (Even if it is partially true.)

So, I've had my second "date" since this new phase in my life began, and unlike the first guy, this guy was not a moron, not a liar and anything but a whore. Nope, he was charming, a gentleman and a complete nutball (which I like because I'm a bit silly myself.) Not to mention very sexy. Yeah, he turned me on, which is extremely important. (If it wasn't, I'd have a man by now, but unfortunately we can't control what we "chemically" respond 2, know what I'm saying?)

So, all and all, a good date. At the end of the night I wondered ... will there be a second one? Is there some kind of etiquette to follow? When should I call him to say I'd like to see him again? The next day might seem too eager. If I wait too long he'll think I'm not interested. Or should I take the fact that he didn't say he wanted to see me again at the end of the date as a sign that he doesn't want 2 see me again? What's a boy 2 do here?

Well, luckily enough 4 me, I didn't have 2 do a damn thing. I got "the callback". Yup, he called me the next night and we will go out again. Fabulous. Hopefully, our busy schedules permitting, I'll be off onto the (drumroll) ... afeared and anticipated second date.

Thinking back on my short-lived dating past, I've only gotten to the "second" date twice in my life, (not counting that girl I dated in high school ... oh, please, everybody's at least tried it, right?) Both times I got to the second date, I ended up seriously dating those guys. Will the same thing happen here? Time shall tell!

One thing is 4 sure ... dating can actually be fun! I'll have 2 do more of this!

"C - C - C - Call me, ooooh, when U need me, baby!" - Tweet, Call Me


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